Sunday 3 January 2010

Happy new year to all Carers...

Hi all and a 'Happy New Year!'

Coo and I did have a good time over Christmas and Hogmanay, well minus the minor hiccup where we nearly had the ambulance out! but that aside it all went off pretty well! Woo Hoo!

Don't get me wrong, Coo's still seizing pretty badly but we're coping with things.

We used to try to keep him moving all the time so he didn't sleep and seize, which I have to admit, did cut down the seizure level a little but also made us both extremely stressed!
Coo would get annoyed at being permanently prodded awake and I was always on the look out and on edge - I felt like a member of the sleep police! LOL

This last year we've changed tack a bit, now we're at home more to accomodate things and it seems to be working out for us. It's a case of, if we want to go out in the evening for a bit, Coo needs to sleep in the afternoons so it's all a bit more relaxed now - thank heavens for that!

I do hope it's going to be a hale & hearty year for us all this time around and I can't say I'm sorry to see 2009 gone! our own scots way....'Slainte Mhath'!!
You may well ask WHAT?
Well, it's an old toast to Good Health and around here it's pronounced...
'slanj-e- vah', isn't our language a bit quirky!

Lastly from a very frosty, in fact a pretty much frozen Scotland!
I hope the new year's kind to you wherever you are!

Happy New Year 2010!

maz x


wyn said...

Happy New Year to you too, Maz.
I'm glad Christmas is over. Geoff was carted away in the ambulance on Christmas Day with Pneumonia!
He's home and recovered now.
I'm not sure if I have!

Maz said...

Hi Wyn, thank goodness he's back home again and I know what you mean on the other count too - after a hospital admission, it always takes me some time to recover too!
maz x