Saturday, 16 March 2013

Maz's posh night out...

Hi guys, guess where I've been?
I donned my posh little black dress and my shiney, red, heely shoes and...Cinders did go to the ball! lol
Looby came to keep Coo company while...
I went to the Local Authority's big posh celebration! After all our hard work with the Carers and Services-users reference group, my Carer friend Fiona and I, were invited by the Director of Social Services, to come along to their 'Glittering Awards Night' and it was fun too!
We had a lovely meal and a whale of a time and of course we...networked to the max! lol It was too good an opportunity to miss! I mean, all those people in the one room, who could make a real difference for Carers? It just couldn't be missed!
We had a good discussion with the councillor who's current remit is Social Services and she's very supportive of Carers too - a real bonus! and her lovely husband works for the Parliament too - result! We managed to raise some issues and hopefully he'll be able to help us too!
I did explain the major difference having proper support in place, has made for Coo and I and I think they realised what I meant too!
I'm glad we both got to go, as between us, (my Carer friend Fiona and I, that is!), we're a formidable force - I guess we just, so desperately want a better deal for all Carers and...what's wrong with that?
I hope we weren't too pushy but on balance, I think we might have been but I'm glad we tried!
To cap it was a sleep night too!
So...after all the excitement and time-out, I got to sleep too - Brilliant!  
Oh well, the 'Gladrags' and heely shoes are back in the cupboard and it's back to Carer-land!
My granny used to say - it's a good life if you don't weary and she was right! It's avoiding the wearying that's the trick! lol
I hope you manage a wee time out too this week!
Maz x


Welsh Poppy said...

Well done Maz sounds like Cinderella and friend went to the ball and won them around:-)

Maz said...

Thanks Poppy! It was fun to dig out my wee black velvet frock - it's been a while! lol
Maz x