Saturday, 2 March 2013

A Theatre date no less...

Hi guys, what a blast from the past...

Coo and I went all the way to Glasgow for a wee theatre trip!
Now, just what show did we go see?
  • Clue 1 - It's a bit of a quirky musical!
  • Clue 2 -  There were lots of funky costumes worn by  the audience, from lab coats to feather boa's!
  • Clue 3 -  It all happened...over at the Frankenstein place!
We saw...
 *****The Rocky Horror Show - woo hoo!
It's the 40th anniversary tour and the show was totally brilliant fun - Coo and I had a blast! lol

We sang along with the songs and everybody 'Time-warped' too - now, just how cool is that! lol It's a long time since we were at the theatre and it really was a fun time-out for us both.

The SDS (Self Directed Support), has really opened some doors for us and I'm glad we had the opportunity to go. Things like a simple day-trip, are not so easy when you have care needs, equipment, meds, seizures and all the other things that come with a disability thrown in the melting pot!

It used to be so very difficult juggling the care needs and travel. It was always really stressful going anywhere, now, with supports in place, it's just so much easier to manage. We can plan our visit and enjoy things without worrying too much about how we'll mange it all as we can stay over, recover and rest up for the journey home next day - much easier all around!

Things that were so out of reach for us, are now achievable and that makes a real difference!
This last year with SDS has really helped us both. We've had some fun! I feel a lot less stressed and Coo's certainly less isolated than he was and that can only be a good thing!

We sure had some fun 'Time-warping' again and we both had a wee giggle too!
I hope you have a wee giggle too this week!
Maz x


Baiterblog said...

I enjoyed my Honeymoon night in London at the Rocky Horror Show, followed by a night at the Russel Hotel, it was a welcopme relief from the straighjacketed formal wedding in Cambridge. After that, it was all downhill ..LOL!

Maz said...

It's a brilliant show isn't it? - great music and just such great fun!lol
Maz x