I think we've all had the what I call the 'Carers Crash' feeling from time to time. I think it usually happens, (well for me anyway), after a run of issues, hospitals, appointments or just generally, more than the usual hive of caring activity.

Now, if I'm lucky I've reached this point before my energies are totally spent and I can start to re-dress the balance a bit and if not? Well...welcome to melt down! lol
Over the years I've kinda worked around things and found ways that work for me to bring my energy levels back up again. It's typical, but the best is always the most difficult to acheive isn't it and for me it's....(drum roll)...sleep!
Most Carers have disrupted sleep at some time or other and the lack of it, sure as heck is the quickest thing to pull you down and make everything seem just that bit more difficult! The problem for me is sometimes - well, most times if I'm honest, sleep just isn't an option so what else is there to help recharge things then?
***Crafts - a bit of whatever takes my fancy and usually anything that can be picked up or dropped at a moments notice fits the bill nicely! lol
***Cooking - slow or otherwise. I'm no Delia but it's nice to smell something tasty bubbling away and best of all I always get to eat the end results! lol
***Music - well, I love listening to Gheorghe Zamfir, I came across him quite by accident one day and fell in love with his music. The sound is just so magical and it's so relaxing too!
***Harping - Wow! Just how good does this make me feel!
It's just so...wonderful!
I never, ever felt I was musical at all but over the last year, harping really has become one of my passions!

When things are real difficult, it's so easy to lose myself in the music for a wee while and it always raises a smile even on the darkest days.
I guess it's been doing that for people for the longest time judging by this old picture!
Sharing some of the things that keep me happy and whole has also helped raise a smile today and I hope they've given you some food for thought too!
(((hugs))) and a happy smile sent too!
Maz x
Good blog Maz, keep cheering us all up, it's infectious!
Thanks for stopping by!
Maz x
Yesterday was cry day. I started in the morning while I was getting mom up and it did not end till I went to bed early at 7 pm. Of course I have to get up to turn mom so it is not a full nights sleep but I did get a few more hrs. When I am sad I bake. I love to bake and EAT what I am baking. It is not good for my waist but great for my mind. And lots of prayers. The best is talking to God. I am not kidding . He is always here and most of the time it is just him and me. And mom of course. She got lots of kisses and hugging yesterday . My crying made me hug on her alot. Wanting some reaction I guess but nothing but a slight crumpy noise. So back to praying , crying and baking. LOL!
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