Hi guys, I mentioned in my
2009 relection post, I'd had my poems published with funding from the N.H.S.
More information
here, it's to help find hidden Carers and encourage them to seek out some help and support any way they can!
Here's one of my poems from the booklet and it's kinda apt that it's here on a web blog as it's about Carers supporting each other on the Internet!
Carers Connect…
I am a Carer and someone’s wife,
The person I care for still shares my life.
We’ve been through the wars my loved one and me,
It seems such a long time so far back to see.
When first you’re caring it’s all raw and new,
lots of appointments and hospitals too.
In early days you still hope for a cure,
but as time keeps going hopes get fewer and fewer.
Pills and potions giving anything a try,
therapies and treatments to help you get by.
Nothing is working and time still goes on,
Keep struggling and striving into each dawn.
When meeting friends who in years you’ve not saw,
They ask how things are but talking is raw.
They can’t understand and what support can they show,
of an lifestyle we hope they won’t ever need to know.
Information is power, we all need to know,
best ways of coping, for help where to go.
‘Selfish Pigs Guide’* is a good book I read,
it changed me completely, the things that it said.
It told about Carers, people like me,
millions all out there, why couldn’t I see…
I’m not on my own, lots of Carers I’ve met,
They chat and connect via the Internet.
It takes some time to build confidence too,
And state, I’m a Carer’ and that’s what I do.
It’s not who I am but it is a big part.
Carers keep caring body, soul and heart.
*The Selfish Pigs Guide to Caring is written by Hugh Marriott It's a wonderful book if you're new or even not so new to caring.
I hope you get a chance to read it or borrow it from the local library, honestly it's so worth the effort!
maz x