Monday, 25 February 2013

Sad day today...

Hi guys, it's been a bit of a sad day today as I had a funeral.

Coo stayed home with our son, while I set off with one of my Carer friends earlier this morning. We have a wee Carers group, there's twelve of us and for the last six years, we meet twice a month to help one another and offer some kindness, support and friendship.
Caring is never easy, it's usually a struggle and we mostly kinda lurch from one crisis to another and it's so very comforting to share the journey with other people who know exactly what it's really like!
I guess we're lucky to have found one another and gained valuable knowledge and companionship too.

It's so sad when one of our number comes to the point in caring, where the person they care for is too ill to manage safely anymore at home or when they are bereaved.
That's when our wee group are probably most valuable.
When there's a death in the family, it's all raw and new and everyone tries to stay strong to help support one another.

With other Carers, especially a group where they're all at differing stages of the caring journey, there's always somebody there who knows how it is and that it's really ok to feel exactly as you do and hold your hand for a while!

My wee friend will be ok, she'll still come visit with us and the other members who have already experience bereavement will help too. I guess that's how we all cope, we help one another and just ease the pain a little.

I hope you're ok, where you are and someone's holding your hand too,
Maz x


Hannah said...

Hi Maz, I wanted to thank you for this post.
I was having a really bad day, and searched for a carer's blog in Australia, but Google led me your way instead.Thank goodness.
I am caring for my husband, and don't enjoy the support you mention. It is my own fault, I haven't shared my problems enough, I guess I'm trying to be tough and capable etc!
Reading your post made me sad for your friend, but also the support and friendship was uplifting!
At a time when I needed someone to hold my hand and give me a hug, your blog was there and I felt comforted.
It was such a help to know that we're not on this journey alone.
Maybe I can start my own blog, to offer and get support in Australia.
Geography only matters for info on services, Government policies etc, but wouldn't it be nice if I could help someone too?
I hope I'm clever enough to start a blog, ha!
Please give my kind thoughts to your friend, I didn't mean to make this all about me.
Thanks for your hugs, even though you don't know me.

Maz said...

Hi Hannah, I saw your comment and was touched! Thank you for sharing your feelings too - Caring is never easy, it truly is a roller-coaster ride at times!
Blogging is great, I mean, it's really good for you, especially when you look back and see where things worked out well or just how you managed the challenges and survived!lol
Pop in anytime,
Maz x