Coo's been very sleepy and there's been lots of seizures as a result. I'm not sure if he's caught a sniffle and that's what's firing things up or if it's the dreaded AED (anti epilpesy drug) see-saw effect yet again.

You know the one, the drug levels are too high in the blood stream and causes problems, and then if there's too little, it's seizure city again!
Hopefully the latest blood results will come back tomorrow and we'll have a clearer picture, meantime it's...batten down the hatches and dig out that hard hat and flak jacket!
Happier news...
I've new slow cooker arrived at last! woo hoo!
This week we've been eating like kings! LOL
It's so easy to make even the cheapest cuts of meat taste nice and with Coo poorly and sleepy, I really like the 'throw it all in and let it cook itself' approach to meal times!
You know, I really do have a lot to learn from Delia! but I do try...or maybe it's just that I'm trying! LOL

What's in the slow cooker for tomorrow?
Well, let's see...
Chicken thighs, herbs and a creamy sauce, well that'll be something to whip up with pasta for a change then.
I'll let you know how it tastes!
If you've never tried slow cooking maybe you should give it a go as a Carer, I find it really useful, especially when things are hectic! You know the kinda days I mean, days when you really want to eat proper food but can't spare the time to cook - well on just those kinda days, the slow cooker's a Godsend!
From a cozy and comfy, cookery whizzing guru (I wish!) LOL
I hope you're feeling cozy and comfy where you are too!
Maz x
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