I'm not really musical at all but I always wanted to learn to play an instument and liked the autoharp sound so I decided to give it a bash!
I looked all around, on Ebay too. I made up my mind and it took some time too as they're not cheap and I don't usually send that much on me! LOL
Anyway, in the end Coo decided we'd buy me one for my birthday and I've been tootling away ever since.
I love it!
As a Carer, I need to spend a lot of time at home when Coo's poorly so I've found (with a bit of trial and error!) lot's of things to do to keep me occupied and motivated.

There are only so many hours Television can amuse you and then your brain seems to hurt or what's worse switch off all together...well, mine does anyway!
So when Coo's asleep it's the quieter pastimes and crafts and when he's not? It's harping time! LOL
I'm really please I've picked it up so quickly, I'm certainly no maestro but I'm not too terrible either! LOL
It probably helps that Coo is musical and I'm finding, sometimes while I'm playing, he'll reach for his guitar and join in too and that's when it's most fun!
so I'll bid you a 'happy harping' and a smiley cheerio for now!
maz x
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