I've been slow cooking again this week!
Time's been a bit limited and it's a lot easier to throw things in and just 'leave them be' than it is to take time out to do the watch, stir and take care the pots don't boil over, kinda cooking that usually happens!

Lapses in concentration happen to us all especially when we're tired...well, that's my story and I'm sure sticking too it! LOL
I've been busy out Demo-ing too this week!
This week was the 'budget' for our local council so we Carers (who could make it!), were all out with the banners to stand up for ourselves against all the cuts to services.
Looby kept Coo company, while I went to...tear a strip of our local council again!

We've been campaigning all year to get them to see sense and it's been a bit of an uphill struggle so far!
Anyway, it seems we've won a reprieve of sorts. The council has decided to defer any closures for this financial year so the fights not over but at least we're not out on the street...yet.
I guess we live to fight another day!
Hope you are ok where you are too, remember, don't give up just get back up, dust yourself off and keep on fighting!
Maz x
1 comment:
Hello there.
I am just here because my friend maz wanted to know if there were other people called Maz in the world and it turns out that there are other people called Maz so now she won't feel lonely and jump off a cliff into a pit of hungry sharks in order to make the pain of being the only person called Maz go away.
My friend Lembit has been less successful.
However, I found your blog fascinating and exciting and I wish to wish you a wish of the very best wishes from the bottom of my wishing well :D
If we were ever to meet on the street I would clean your feet.
Yours sincerely,
Jesus MKII
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