Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Carers keep going...

Hi guys, I wonder where our inner strength comes from?
We Carers just keep going don't we!
Come to think of it...I guess we don't really have much of a choice so maybe it's a Carer mind set!
What do you think?

I'm still trying to keep positive that things will improve, even a little bit and we'll catch a break but it's been real tough recently.

So how do I keep sane?

Well, I've developed ways to amuse myself while there's long periods of time enforced at home. From soap making to jewellery and crafts I kinda tootle with it! LOL
I've been trying my hand at loom weaving lately and it's pretty much relaxing!

I mean...my wee loom's not anything fancy, just a little frame one like this and some odd balls of wool but it's fun and yet another happy diversion when Coo's so poorly.

I'm still pottering in the garden - when our not so well behaved weather allows me! What a mixed-bag-kind-of-a-summer we've had this year...more rain soaked than sun soaked I'm afraid! lol

Never mind, September's supposed to be a bit better so maybe the sun will come out tomorrow although I'm not placing any bets! LOL

The main thing is we're both ok and I so hope you're doing ok where you are too!
Keep strong,

maz x

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Still struggling...

Hi Guys, the struggle continues I'm afraid.

I suppose that kinda sums it up for most Carers doesn't it.

Coo is still very poorly. Last night his seizures were every 15 - 20 minutes again and he's pretty beaten up - well, we both are really! His blood tests show his drug level is still up 'n' down on what we call the AED (anti epilepsy drug) see-saw so there's little sign of any improvement.

Luckily we have Looby to call on when I need a bit of a break and she's been brilliant moving things around to accomodate the current issues.
What a wee star!

New drugs are always a worry and I'm dreading futher problems with side effects as things are already pretty rocky for Coo as it is! I'm trying to be real calm, usually not a problem as nothing really fazes me...well not much anyway! LOL

So...I'm going to move onto more positive things!

Our weather here is as unpredictable as ever!
The sun has made another appearance after 12 days of rain! LOL

In fact it really has been brolly and wellies weather most of our summer this year! LOL Even our local church fete was washed out on Sunday - now how dare it rain on that - there's no justice is there! LOL

So as the sun co-operated and came back for a vist and Coo's seizure alarms were on, I did manage to sneak in the garden for a wee while! The veggies are still doing well - I guess the rain is good for something anyway, what is it they say? about clouds and silver linings! lol

Tonight, dinner will be baked potatoes and an assortment of fillings with some fresh side salad, drizzled with my favourite honey mustard dressing and best of all most of it came free of charge from the garden - cool or what!

I never thought I'd enjoy growing things so much...but I do!
It really is good for you and so is the fresh produce too! LOL

Let's hope for some sunnier times to come.
Take care,
maz x

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Hard hat and flak jacket time...

Well, it's yet again been a very difficult week. It's what I call hard hat and flak jacket time!

Carers never have it easy do they?

Coo is poorly and it's been a very worrying time. His seizures have yet again sky-rocketed off the planet for no real reason and it's been so very difficult to manage.

During the daytime he is awake in the afternoons, he's pretty good and he's my lovely Coo but then he tires and falls sleep, well, then it's bedlam - seizure city and very hard on us both.

He's nursing muscle and limb pain and his poor cheeks and tongue are bitten to shreds! I'm clinging fast to hope that tomorrow's blood results will shed some light on what is happening and maybe find a little improvement.

Please God, send a rainbow to cheer things...

One like this would be nice!

Wish us luck!

I hope things are on a more even keel where you are!

maz x

Monday, 9 August 2010

Highland Games...

Hi guys!

All-in-all it's been a bit of a tough week!
Coo's still struggling with his meds but I think, thankfully things are settling, well a bit anyway! LOL

At this time of year, we usually take our wee disabled club to the local island's highland games and guess what?
The sun came back this weekend just in time - woo hoo!
All those strong men in kilts and...sunny weather too - result!
What do you think...
There sure is a distinctive appeal isn't there!

Anyways, it wasn't just the handsome kiltie men, it really was a lovely timeout kind of a day. Everyone enjoyed themselves, from the boat ride across on the ferry to tea and cream cakes in the pavilion and some chips on the beach on the way back, it really was a lovely day!

It does you good to spend some time with others who are in a some what worse position than yourself, kinda helps keep things in perspective and the kindness of others really does your heart good too!

So, just like Wallace and Gromit...
We sure had a grand day out!

I sure hope you've got some sunny weather where you are and if you're lucky...maybe even a kiltie man too! LOL

Wishful thinking!
maz x