Friday, 16 November 2007

Carers Scotland Conference...

Hi all, I've been invited to a conference for Carers in Glasgow on December 5th.

I've sorted out extra care, social Services will add an extra 10 hours care to our Direct Payment that week so I don't need to feel guilty about asking Looby to come stay for the day with Coo.

It's quite a while since I was in the big city!

I think from the information I've recieved it'll be a worth-while day as lots of issues will be covered and I feel I need to go and speak out for those Carers who find it too difficult to get away for a full day.

If you're in Glasgow at the conference maybe I'll see you!

maz x

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Bloods again...

***I guess we all live to fight on another day!***

Hi all, Coos blood results came back this morning and his Phenytoin level (anti epilepsy drug) is too high!
The safe dose is between 40 and 80 and Coos at 89 this week so we're back on that dreaded, drug see-saw effect, where it's too much or not enough...again!!

His white cell count is high so the chest infection that's been going for the last few weeks is still hanging around too....Joy!!!

We're reducing the Phenytoin dose by 25mgs from today so I guess it's hard hat and flap jacket time once more!

Thankfully it's a Looby sleep over night tonight so I'll sleeeeeep anyway!

maz x

Tuesday, 13 November 2007


Well, I think Winter has arrived, it's dark in the mornings and it's back again by tea-time!

This moring I had to scrape ice of the car for the first time this year too and my hands were red raw!

So it's official...'Winter's here!!'

That reminds me, I need to haul out the hats and sift through the scarfs as I've a feeling we're gonna need them sooner rather than later!

Coo got his bloods done again today as he's still got the dregs of that chest infection kicking about but on the whole he's doing ok!

Last year wasn't much fun, it was one infection after another and seizures galore!
At least, I know this time, with a little help from Looby and our Direct Payment, I'll have some sleep so I'm optomistic we'll cope better.

The Carers war-cry?...

It sure does make all the difference when things are bad, even only a few hours can make things a bit easier to cope with can't it!!

Roll on the snow!

Big jumpers, woolly hats and loads of hot chocolate!

On a day like today it doesn't seem so very far away!

I hope things are being kind to you where you are!

maz x

Sunday, 4 November 2007

More equipment...

Hi, we're still battling on through the latest chest infection!

I think we're over the worst of things now as the seizures are settling a bit (10-ish a day).
I had to speak to the O.T. at Social Services again as we're needing another alarm as Coo's taken to wandering and bouncing around the place during seizures so his bed alarm isn't enough to cope with things.

There's always something isn't there?

Luckily I have the Net to find out what's on the market!

I went to easylinkuk - where our bed seizure alarm came from and found one that would help.
It has an infra-red beam that will activate and let me know if he gets outta bed.
Hopefully there'll be no more skydiving down stairs at 3 in the morning!

I like this company as their equipment is reasonably priced, they know what they're talking about and don't try to make you buy more than you need!!

Our O.T. is working on this a.s.a.p. so hopefully things can be contained till it's sorted out.

maz x