The N.H.S. has come good and thankfully, I'm not so unsupported after all!
Turns out our GP was as hopping mad as we were!
He says, he didn't refused to prescibe the drug at all!
He asked the neuro on several occasions, to clarify who would do the monitoring as here the guidelines say, an E specialist is to monitor closely within the first 3 months.
Anyways, the long and the short of it is...the neuro has decided to relent and reinstate him back to his clinic! In the end I think even he's realised this whole situation was not handled well!
Our GP will now prescribe the drug as the ESN (Epilepsy specialist nurse) has agreed to the do the monitoring - which was all our doctor asked for in the first place!

Now couldn't they just have played nicely in the first place?
I'm just glad this resolved so quickly as from past experience, it's very stressful dealing with NHS issues - it kinda grinds you down. Thank God for the E nurse - she's the best and thank God too it's been sorted!

So...just like this wee kitten...
it's big smiles all around! LOL
Let's hope the new drug helps - even a little would be good!
maz x
Have they?
Love, Wyn
Hi Wyn and thanks for asking!
It's early days yet - we're going really slowly with the dose increases but who knows - I'm hopeful things will be ok!
maz x
And, I'm back to blogging again... first post is in progress :)
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