Well at last we got to see Harry Potter and it was worth the wait!
Coo had a pretty much settled night (6 seizures) so we decided we could go!
Thankfully Looby decided to come too.
I enjoyed it so much although around half way through Coo started to nod back and forth so we took it in turns to check he was awake and giving him a nudge every so often so he wouldn't sleep and seize.
Looby was sitting next to Coo so she got left with most of it but things went ok, no dancing in the cinema this time!
We got back home without any hassles so all in all it was a good day.
Only thing is Coo saw the trailler for the new transformers movie and wants to go to that one too!
I guess we're back to planning, waiting for a settled night and get ready to run the cinema gauntlet again and sooner than expected too!
Talk about a CINEMA trip! It's more like planning a military operation!!
maz x