Thursday, 10 December 2015

Carer Struggles, health and hassles...

Hi guys, it's been one heck of a week!
It's still a hard hat and flak jacket time here!
I've not posted much recently as my wrist problems from recent months have escalated!
The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome diagnosis still stands but one top of that, last week my GP diagnosed De Quervains Syndrome too so I had a cortisone injection to try and help relieve things a little.

This week my long awaited appointment with the surgeon finally arrived - (I was refered in June!) - so just how did it go? Well, ok in some respects but not so in others. While the Carpal Tunnel issue is present, he will wait for further nerve conduction tests done in Glasgow before he proceeds - fine but he's thrown another diagnosis into the mix - In his opinion, my wrist is too swollen to be Carpal tunnel and De Quervains alone and looks more like Rheumatoid Arthritis. He took some blood tests and has now referred me to a Rheumatologist so yet again...we wait!
Meanwhile the caring continues!
Coo's stressed and poorly, I'm now stressed and poorly and we're caught in bit of a vicious circle! I had hope for some sight of an end or even a way forward with this and I'd kinda pinned my hopes on my visit with the surgeon yesterday. I guess, sometimes, things really just don't go to plan!
This raises the question...
Just what does happen when the Carer is ill? 
I'm finding that very little priority - if any- is given to Carers, even though they are needed to provide ongoing care for another person and usually with little support!
It's just not good enough and we really need to work on this!
I will be ok , if things deteriorate I will use the contingency funding within our SDS (Self Directed Support) Care Package, to pay for more support but other Carers are not so fortunate and if I'm kinda struggling, just how do they manage?

Stay strong friends as will I!
Maz x