Sunday 30 March 2014

Update: Coo's foot & The Carers Advisory Group...

Hi guys, it's been a bit of  a mixed bag here this week, both busy and quiet at home time too!

Coo's foot...
Well, it's still broken - no surprises there!
I'm getting a bit concerned though as it's not much better! The problem is, he can't rest it up any as every time he has a seizure, his foot gets jerked around again and it's not getting a chance to heal!
I've decided to contact our GP for some advice and just see if anything can be done to help the healing process along, I'm not sure what if anything can be done but...I guess we will see!

Carers Advisory Group...
I've been out again with my Local Authority this week as part of their new Carers Advisory Group. I decided to be involved with this group as their new 'Carers Strategy' is a good document.
The Strategy has the potential to make things a whole lot better for Carers in our area and I really feel the best way to ensure the policy is delivered is for experienced Carers to be involved from the off and it was a successful meeting!
Questions raised by my own Carers group (The Three Towns Carers), were submitted prior to the meeting, made it onto the agenda and were discussed on the day. - result!

I honestly feel, only by working together, can we truly improve things for Carers and the people they care for and I'm pleased to report the Carers Advisory Group has made a good start!
It's good for Carers to work with and influence policy where they can, especially if by doing so they can help other Carers along the way!

Stay strong guys,
Maz x

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