Sunday 23 March 2014

We won...twice!

Hi guys, it's been a golden week this week!

Brilliant news - our community portal did win the COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities), Gold Award!

I'm so glad it won!
It's a brilliant resource for Carers and disabled people in our area and as it grows and populates it will only get bigger and better so...job's a good un!

In other news...

The North Ayrshire Provost Civic Awards...
Remember I blogged about my wee Carer group - The Three Towns Carers being up for the Provost Civic Pride Award? Well...we won! Just how cool is that! Sometimes Carers hard work and dedication to a loved one, is forgotten but this time we were remembered!

Here we are with the other winners...

Check out Liz and I on the bottom right, in our posh frocks and by sheer chance, we were colour co-ordinated too! lol

It was a wonderful evening,  a real happy experience and best of all the Carers won!
We're getting a cake for our next meeting so all our Carers can celebrate over a wee cuppa!

After the big night out and posh frock wearing, it was back to reality pretty quick - Coo was really poorly and the seizures were coming thick and fast.
The highs and lows of caring, it sure is a bit of a roller coaster ride! One minute posh frocks and out for dinner with the Provost and the next...jammies, seizures and struggles - we coped and we live to fight another day!

so...all-in-all, it was a bit of a bumpy weekend but...what a great week! Sure was fun!
Stay strong guys!
Maz x


  1. What great news about 2 awards! Im so pleased for you. Hope Coo bucks up a bit soon, bless him. Hubby spending a lot of time in bed for the last 4 months but am keeping busy and crafting away. Hope you get some well deserved rest to re-charge your batteries xx

  2. Hi Jayne, thanks for popping by! Coo's foot is still problematic but we're doing ok!
    Thanks for the kind thoughts, hope you're getting some rest too!
    Maz x
