Tuesday 1 April 2014

Carers and the Commonwealth Games...

Hi guys, I've had some news. Good news...in fact...great news!

It's been a really busy and successful period recently for our local Carers!
First there was the launch of CareNA our local community portal, that went on to win the COSLA Gold Award!
Next, 'The Three Towns Carers' won the Provost Civic Award for a Community Group - wee recap here...

So just what has happened now?

Four members of our Group (The Three Towns Carers), have been selected as Queens Relay Baton-bearers for this years Commonwealth Games in Glasgow - We'll bear the Queen's Baton (for a wee while!) as it travels on it's journey throughout North Ayrshire!

Quote: The Glasgow 2014 Queen's Baton Relay will travel 190,000 km in 288 days and...four Carers from our wee group will be there doing their bit too!
Now, just how cool is that?
...we're tickled pink at the prospect!

There are lots of Carers out there, who still need help, support and friendship. We entered these events to raise the profile of 'Carers' in general and our wee group too and hopefully find some of those hidden Carers in our area.

I'm so excited about this latest development - can you tell? lol
I'll update as more news comes our way!
Maz x

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