Saturday 25 January 2014

What a week...

Hi guys! What a week I've had!

Firstly, the highs...
Tommy's concert was fabulous - what a wonderful night!
Tommy's posted a review in pictures right here....
It was a busy day and a long one too but so very worth it!

Our wee group (3 Towns Carers), left from the coast at three o'clock to travel up to Glasgow and it's with the greatest thanks to Tommy for tickets and Tony too, he arranged all the transport and made sure we were ok! It would have been so much more difficult without their help so thanks guys!

The speeches were both inspiring and touching and the music itself was pretty wonderful! The musicians shared more than their talent, they shared a little of their own stories and showed Caring really does touch all families regardless of fame or finances!
I'm so glad we got to go! We all had such a wonderful time and we've been singing wee snippets of Monday nights songs all week! What a lovely feeling it's brought about!

Oh my! I've been nominated as Citizen of the year and so has The 3 Towns Carers! Now just how cool is that? We're so chuffed - there's lots more worthy but it's nice to be nominated!

My nomination's for my voluntary work with both groups. The 3 Towns Carers, whom I blog about often wee adult learning disabled group  - I so love this group!
With another friend, Coo and I set it up seven years ago as our community just needed a group like it! All the members are SLD, or physically disabled and most are living, with support, in our community and just needed something social and friendly so... 'Care Club'  was born and now we're a wee family too!

The 3 Towns Carers really speak for themselves.

We're a wee band of local Carers who manage to support one another and navigate a way through the minefield that is caring.

The key, the strength really, is the support and love freely shared with one another through all the stages caring brings. From the shell-shock at the beginning, when everything's raw and new, through all the trials and triumphs of finding services and support, to the sadness and trauma when caring comes to an end. We are just there for one another.
It truly is a real caring family!

It doesn't really matter who win's these kind of things, there's loads of good people out there.
It would be nice but I think it's really about people sharing and essentially caring about each other, just getting by the best way they can and sharing a little love along the way!

I wonder what this week will bring?
Keep strong,
Maz x

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