Saturday 25 January 2014

Jessie The Brave's Birthday Tea...

Hi guys, wee Jessie is two today!

What a roller-coaster ride this year has been for her, between surgeries and Spica casts she's had a difficult time and it's been emotional too but not today! Today...we were celebrating! lol

We decided to have a family tea party and as Jessie's a Burns baby, sharing her special day with Robert Burns no less and being Ayrshire folks....we had some tartan on display too! yeah!
We got a 'Brave' cake as Jessie's a brave wee soul.
I thought it apt and I was going to write on it - Jessie the Brave is 2 today but...I was out-voted! - we're a democracy here, one singer one song and one person one vote! I did get my way with the tartan touches though - a family tartan ribbon all around and it looked real good too! lol

I'm sharing a wee family photo too, it's one with Jessie, her parents and that lovely cake!
No Spica casts and doing so well, we are blessed!

What a lovely end to a really great week!
Maz x


  1. So good to have a day of celebration, looks like the birthday girl is doing well. My grandson is autistic and was selectively mute till last summer. To hear his voice after waiting so long is always a wonder. He sang twinkle twinkle little star to me yesterday and I had tears in my eyes - I am blessed and by the looks of it so are you xx Hope Hubby enjoyed the day too xxx

  2. Thanks Jayne! It's so amazing when you have that special moment isn't it?! How brilliant that he sang you a wee song - priceless!
    Coo had a good day, he just loves Jessie - holding her wee hand as she toddles around so he was in his element! lol
    Jessie is walking again - she has a bad limp and there's yet more surgeries on the horizon for her but just like you're we grandson - each wee milestone achieved is a wonderful moment!
    Maz x
