Sunday 19 January 2014

That Carer Roller-Coaster ride...

Hi guys, it's been so up and down this week - we're back on that Carer roller-coaster ride again!

Months ago, we planned to visit the Gaiety Theatre in Ayr - it's been years since we were there!
This week Coo's been struggling with a seizure increase and by Tuesday, I really thought we'd have to cancel but lo-and-behold things improved and we were able to go after all!

We picked the Mercure Hotel for our stop over for three reasons...

1. It's right beside the theatre - a big selling point
2. It was a really good price - they had a sale on!
3. It has a brilliant layout for us - it has a spa with an attached comfy seated area for a coffee etc.

This may not seem important but for us a comfy poolside area is a real bonus! Coo would not be using the spa, it's always an 'either or' kinda deal for Coo. It's just too tiring to do both a swim and a show - trust me, this was learned the hard way and has never been repeated! Anyways, this area meant Coo could get comfy, have a cuppa and pootle with his puzzle book, while I managed to squeeze in a wee swim and Jacuzzi - result! lol

After a snooze we wandered over to the show and had a lovely time!
Back to earth with a bump...Coo's been sleepy and seizing since we came home, he has a temperature...again and I'm so busy this week too!
I'm so glad we have our SDS (Self Directed Support), allowing us access to respite as I will still be able to keep my plans, make my meetings and get to Tommy's Reception and Carer Concert tomorrow. Previously, for me anyways, it would all have been cancelled and I'd have been stuck at home!
I don't resent enforced time at home, it happens and as a Carer, you just get past that! but...I do value the freedom proper support and respite brings. The knowledge, my plans will happen and things that are important to and for me will happen too! It's not so for all Carers but it should be, that's why I fight on and raise awareness where and when I can!

We gotta stand together, stay strong and keep faith in better times!
Maz x


  1. Glad you had a nice trip - such luxury lol. Going to a concert too wow! I know what you mean about understanding you have to be home as a carer but sometimes you do need to go out and be nice to yourself.We had a couple of quick trips out last week but now hubby is in bed and has been since Sunday, thats the price he pays for enjoying himself. We even went out for lunch on Saturday, that was so nice, sat in a lovely conservatory at a restaurant on the Yorkshire moors... bliss.

  2. Hi Jayne, Great news you both got out too! It's the little things people take for granted that we miss so much isn't it? The not having to plan (and adjust the plans!), just to manage a simple few hours out!

    Your lunch in the conservatory sounds so lovely too!

    It's just nice to be out but as you say, it's usually followed by a time stuck in at home to recover!
    Stay strong my friend.
    Maz x
