Tuesday 22 October 2013

On the up again...

Hi guys, Coo seems to be on the up again!
His temperature is down and while he's still sleepy, he's been more alert and awake today! woo hoo!
I guess we've weathered another storm - well for now anyway!

While he's been poorly, I've been keeping busy.

This time, I've come over all Nigella Lawson and took to the kitchen!
Recipes for all number of weird and wonderful goodies have been tried out! The latest being the lovely Rocky Road bars and very nice they were too!

I'm glad Coo's feeling better.
He's had a right old struggle this month so hopefully we're over the worse of it for a wee bit and things stay a bit more settled!

I hope you're doing ok and having a settled time where you are too!
Maz x

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