Sunday 13 October 2013

Coughs and sneezes do indeed spread diseases...

Hi guys, it's true...coughs and sneezes do spread diseases!

After our visit to the Hydro last week, Coo has been poorly. It's always a real possibility when mixing in a big crowd. After a vicious tangle with pneumonia a few years ago, Coo's immune system was left impaired, making him susceptible to infection.
He had a temperature for a few days then a sniffle and the latest blood results confirm his white cells are raised again so no flu jabs this week - they've been postponed for now.

We've been mostly at home this week, just living quietly.
Coo's been sleepy too so I've been pottering around with my crafts, cake baking and...eating too! lol
I found a recipe for an easy lemon drizzle cake and decided to give it bash and it really was...easy peasy lemon squeezy! lol
I do so love the smell of baking in the house, this time it was lemony snicket tasty! lol

I raided my wee greenhouse for the last selection of Tomatoes too and made some creamy tomato soup. It's all in the freezer as I love nothing more in winter than homemade soup especially from my own tomatoes!

Comfort foods - in winter, you just can't beat them!
I hope things settle soon but for now, I'm keeping busy and catching up on all the wee jobs that have been hanging around waiting for ages!
Keep cosy and keep strong too!
Hope things are settled where you are!
Maz x

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