Sunday 27 October 2013

Carers Summit, Campaigning and keeping strong...

Hi guys, I've been busy...again!
I've been a member of Carers Scotland's Advisory Committee for the last 3 years and on Friday, it was our 'Annual Summit'.
I set off early with some of the Three Towns Carers group who made the trip up to the big city! We like to make sure the Carers in our area have their say and raise both good practice, positive stories and any issues we have too!

I love Glasgow, it's a great place for a visit - all that hustle and bustle always makes me feel 'up' and excited! lol

The Summit went well!
The speakers were interesting and Deputy First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon MSP, had a good question and answer session.
As expected, the issues raised by most Carers were:
***The struggle with Welfare Reform,
***ATOS - Disability Assessment process issues
***Bedroom Tax!
***Social Services - Cuts/Contributions to Care Packages (some Local Authorities are doing better than others!).
I guess it's not surprising people were angry and upset. It's a worrying time for Carers and disabled people, who feel they're under scrutiny and unfair criticism from Department of Work and Pensions & ATOS, also general public and the media too!

All the scrounger's and striver's rhetoric has really hurt the genuine disabled and their Carers. - it's a horrid state of affairs and all so unfair!

Lord alone knows where it'll all end, one things for sure, it's hurting our most vulnerable citizens most!
We must stay strong, continue to campaign and speak out for a better deal for Carers and just help one another where we can!
Maz x

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