Saturday 5 October 2013

SDS, The Hydro and Jesus Christ Superstar...

Hi guys, it's been a busy few days.
We had a good time-out at Jesus Christ Superstar on Tuesday.

In fact it was brilliant!
The show, the lighting but mostly the acoustics! They were totally awesome!

What a venue!
Only thing looks like a spaceship has landed, especially when it's all lit up like that! lol

It was easier than expected to get out to the venue too.
We've never travelled out that way by rail before.
We shouldn't have worried though, trains left Glasgow Central Station every ten minutes and after a four minute trip, dropped you off at the foot of a covered walkway - result considering all the rainy weather we get here!

I'm glad we decided to keep to our original plans as Coo and I had a wonderful time, the music and spectacle did our hearts no end of good and brought a smile, even a bit of cheer too!

After the show, a wee train ride back into town and a rest up at the Travelodge, meant we could set out fresh in the morning for the trip back home to the coast!

Coo's been sleepy and poorly since we came back but we had such a wonderful time and made another happy memory too! We've wanted to see JCSuperstar forever - it's one of our favourites  and to have been able to visit the Hydro the week it opened? Well, that's was just so fantastic, we're tickled pink!

We're so grateful for our SDS (Self Directed Support) care package. It allows us flexibility to plan and manage to do things that previously were just not possible - it's really opened up so many new challenges and possibilities for us both! Without this much needed support, we just would not have been able to go at all!

I guess that's one of our bucket list items completed too! lol

SDS has definitely improved our quality of life.
We definitely feel more in control of things now.
Most people take these feelings for granted, they've always had that power and been in control but it's not so for lots of Carers and people with disabilities! It's something that gets kinda lost along the way and you know what? It really is a great feeling -  I'm glad it's back!

Don't be scared to try SDS if you get the chance - reach out and grab it with both hands!
Maz x

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