Tuesday 3 September 2013

Respite's so important for Carers...

Hi guys, I've been away for a few days respite - woo hoo!

I went to Blackpool! It's my usual choice, for a few days away and my mum comes along to keep me company.
Although not everyone's cup of tea, it suits me just fine, I can go shopping, tour the lights, have a whirl on a tram and best of all, I can sleep for three whole nights in a row...Woo hoo!
Now, most people take this kinda thing for granted but it's not so for Carers!

Most of us really struggle to get enough rest and tiredness is usually a Carers constant battle!
We are so lucky to have an SDS (Self Directed Support), care package in place. It means we don't have to panic about funding when things are tough and I need a break. We access the funding, sort out additional care (Looby comes to stay with Coo while I'm away on Respite) and I just...book a break!
Being so much in control and having choices, has made all the difference in the world for Coo and I!
so Mum and I...
shopped till we dropped, drank tea and ate cake in numerous tea-shops, slept in cosy beds and had some fun, in fact...it was great!

I found a craft shop too!
I picked up some lovely Christmassy fabrics and guess what? While speaking to the wee man in the shop and on finding out I make patchwork baby quilts, he insisted I take one of his sample books for free! How cool is that!

All-in-all I had a brilliant time and have come back all zingy and refreshed and ready to take what life throws!
I only wish all Carers had access to some respite, it's the glue that holds things all together and helps us Carers to continue, in what is always a challenging role!
Maz x

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