Sunday 8 September 2013

Timeout, Anti-Bedroom Tax and the U.N. reporter...

Hi guys I've been on a wee overnight away with Coo!

I always like to make sure Coo and I do something together when I come back from my Respite break so with Joseph, being on in Glasgow at the Kings last week, just what to do was an easy choice this time around!
It was brilliant!
Great fun and a great show too - Coo and I had a blast!
We had some luck too, we usually sit in the circle part of the theatre but it was closed that evening and we got a free upgrade...Result! lol

When we came back, I discovered I'd been invited to speak to the United Nations Reporteur currently here in the U.K. assessing the effects and issues surrounding the hated 'Bedroom Tax' legislation. - of course I agreed!

I am both saddened and angered in equal measure around the issues and damage this piece of legislation has brought into the homes of the most vulnerable people in our society. So many people affected in what is already a so delicately balanced, precarious and difficult situation at best.
It truly is, only an uncaring government that could and would inflict this type of damaging policy on it's own people.

My report and case study has now been submitted to the United Nation Reporter and I only hope in some small way, it helps speed the demise of this abhorrent  policy and the sooner the better!

If you're asked to speak out, please take a deep breath and just tell them how it really is!
It's only by working together we can make a difference!
Maz x

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