Thursday 29 August 2013

NHS, Review, Support & Action...

Hi guys, I've been busy!
Things have moved on apace with our NHS and Hip Dysplasia issues and thank goodness for that!

We (Looby & I), had a meeting yesterday with NHS people from both Community Nursing & Pre 5 Childrens Services and Midwifery, to discuss the issues raised at the NHS annual review.

We raised our concern and said we really felt, there was a lack of information surrounding Hip Dysplasia (DDH) in general - just what do you need to look for?
We discussed how this could be addressed and improved and I'm pleased to say, actions were discussed and agreed surrounding further training for staff, additional awareness raising and general public information sheets & posters.

Best of all, they agreed to supplement the information given to new parents to include a wee section on Hip Dysplasia symptoms and what to look for as we had suggested. We thought the most helpful information would be, letting people know to check the wee fatty folds are symmetrical on the baby's thighs. It's a clear visual marker the hips are displaced and could need attention and it's so easy to see.

Sadly, we only found this out, while searching for support after Jessica had been diagnosed at aged18 months! We quickly realised to our horror, we had noticed this with baby Jessie as early as the first four weeks after her birth and thought she was just a 'wee chubby baby'- we just didn't know it was a problem!

With the additional training for staff and the proper info on the signs to look for given to new parents, hopefully we'll start to catch these wee people quickly and really avoid the need for painful, invasive and expensive surgeries and...if this happens, I will be a happy fact, we'll all be happy!

Maz x

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