Thursday 11 July 2013

sunshine, strawberries and respite...

Hi guys, I've been living at a bit slower pace these last few days.

Coo's been really sleepy!
The warmer weather tends to take it out of him so we've been mostly at home, in the garden for a change. Just chilling and enjoying the sunshine which has been glorious all week!
I've been in my wee greenhouse pottering around with my tomato plants and picking my potatoes and salad leaves - I love growing my own! They taste great and also save a wee fortune in the supermarket stakes! lol

By far, my greatest summer treat is strawberries...I love them!
Especially first thing in the morning, there's just no better time to eat them! Come to think of it, they're pretty good eating at noon and night time too! lol

I did manage to get a time out on my own too this week.
A wee daytrip away with my Carer group on Monday - Time spent with other Carers is so very important!
Coo was tired and poorly so Looby came to stay and I went out with my group as planned. I'm glad our SDS (Self Directed Support) care package, makes this so manageable. Before, when Coo was poorly, I had to cancel my plans and stay home, this new system has made things so much easier and enjoyable - I don't need to cancel at the last minute anymore!

We went to Dumfries House!
As you can see, the house is lovely! It's really worth a visit has a great tea shop too and that's always a plus in my book! lol
It's so great this lovely old place and it' antiques were saved from being all sold off a few years ago!

Well done to Prince Charles and friends, who helped with funding!

It was a lovely day and a good wee respite time spent with other Carers. I hope you have the chance to spend some time out this week too!
Maz x

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