Monday 15 July 2013

Happy St. Swithins Day...

Hi guys and...Happy Saint Swithin's Day! Well, is it wet of fair where you are then?
Happily, it's dry here so...woo hoo we're in with a chance!
Saint Swithin's window is so very pretty isn't it! It's all apples and raindrops!
Old traditional proverb...

St. Swithin's day if thou dost rain, for forty days it will remain
St. Swithin's day if thou be fair, for forty days 'twill rain nae mair!

I hope it's true this time around, we've had glorious weather here and...another 40 sunny days would be brilliant!

I hope Saint Swithin's has been sunny and fair for you too!
(((hugs))) Maz x

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