Thursday 4 July 2013

Respite and Rhapsody...

Hi guys, we've been away and at the theatre no less! lol
We went to see... was brilliant fun!

 Rock music and raunchy dancers...what's not to like! lol

It was touch and go right upto the last minute as Coo was really poorly but instead of having an early start as planned, we decided to leave it until later on and we made it!

We set off after lunch and never one to miss a chance to push where needed...while at the train station, I spied my local councillor - too good a chance to miss! lol I asked him for some assistance for wee Jessica, while she's immobile in her Spica -Cast and he agreed to try and help so...job's a good 'un!

On to Glasgow and the Kings...

We managed up on the train ok and even had a wee chippie tea along the way as Coo really needed to eat something and have a sleep before we could get to the show later. A speedy check-in at the TraveLodge and a wee cuppa and he was sound asleep!
A couple of hours chilling, waken Coo with a wee cuppa and...time for the show!

The Travelodge is great for a stop over, it's right in the centre of Glasgow city and only two streets away from the 'Kings Theatre' so it's just perfect for Coo and I!
I'm glad we got to go!
It really was fun and has given us both a wee boost after the worries of recent weeks. A wee time out is so very welcome especially when things are difficult! Our SDS (Self Directed Support) has made such a difference for Coo and I. Our quality of life is so greatly improved and it's good to be able to access funding and just take off when things are particularly stressful and difficult - even if it's only for a little while!

It was a nice time-out that's for sure.
I hope you manage a wee time-out too!
Maz x

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