Sunday 2 June 2013

That roller-coaster ride that's caring...

Hi guys, Coo's having a sore time of it today again.

He had a bad night and has been pretty much seizing on and off most of the day but we're hanging on in there so we're ok!

Being a Carer sure is a roller-coaster ride at times! No bike riding today even if the sun is out...we're house-bound for now anyways.

While He's been poorly, to pass the time I've been busy...crafting!
I checked in at my wee sewing machine and decided to at last get around to making Jessie's wee dress. It's from a pattern I found online and...todays the day! lol

So from pillowcase...

To Jessie dress...
Pretty cool eh!
I think wee dresses like this one will be great for the warm summer weather too, especially as Jessie will be in a Spica cast so loose and cool clothing will be the order of the day!
I hope Jessie and mummy like it as much as I do!
I like crafts, when times are tough, they kinda take you to a happier place for a wee while! If you've not caught the crafting bug give it a go - it sure works for me!
Happy crafting!
Maz x

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