Friday 31 May 2013

A wee time out...

Hi guys, things are on the up today! woo hoo

Thank goodness, Coo was feeling a bit better today and the sun came out too so...
We made the most of it, got out our bikes and went for a wee spin and it was fun!
I guess it's the feeling of freedom that makes it so enjoyable for Coo and I. It's so very welcome too after a spell of feeling so poorly and shut in at home!

We didn't go far mind you, just along to Looby's house and after a stop over pit-stop, for a wee cuppa and a chat, well...we cycled back home again! lol

I'm glad we were able to use our SDS (Self Directed Support) funding to buy our cycles. We really have had such fun with them and I think our fitness is slowly improving too!

What a fun wee time out we've had and if things are ok maybe it'll not be long before we can have another wee re-run!

I hope you're having a wee time out where you are too!
Maz x

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