Saturday 8 June 2013

Carers & the importance of Respite...

Hi guys, we've been away on respite for a few days.

After the last few days of struggle we decided just to go for it and it's been great! We didn't go far just up the coast again but...the other way this time, towards Ayr!
The holiday park, is set in the heart of the countryside and if the weather is kind, it's a wonderful place for a wee break. Very calm and relaxing and...just what we needed!

I'm glad we decided to take some frequent short breaks instead of the usual two weeks away most people want for holidays. This way, we've been able to access a few days here and there exactly when we've most needed them and it's worked out really well. I think it's been so much more accessible and manageable and more importantly a lot less stressful too!

Well, just what did we do?
We had a great day out at Culzean Castle. It's a magical place!
A wonderful castle, beautiful gardens, swans, ducks, lovely scenery and ice-cream!

We had a visit to Robert Burns Cottage too!
Our wee grand-baby Jessica is a 'Burns baby' (being born on January 25th!) and as such, she came along too!

What a lovely, family day!

We managed some beautiful walks on sandy beaches and even more ice-cream eating too! lol

Regular Respite is so very important for Carers. It's the difference between keeping things together and coping and an inevitable melt-down! I remember those days, where we struggled on alone and were drowning and I never want to be in that place ever again!

I love the fact our SDS (Self Directed Support) is so flexible! We've both had a lovely respite break away, Coo's seizures were no worse than had he been home and we've had some real, quality, time in lovely surroundings and are fully rested and ready to carry on and for that we are truly thankful!

We're ok and I hope you are doing ok where you are too!
Maz x

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