Tuesday 11 June 2013

Protecting vulnerable adults is everybody's job!

Hi guys, I've been out with my Local Authority again!

I attended a forum on protecting vulnerable adults yesterday and while there, tried to make sure I gave a good insight into things from the Carers perspective! Five other Carers were invited from our group and convened some of the conversations and also raised some issues they, as Carers, had encountered.

From Local Councillors, NHS, Police and Social Services, to third sector orgs. and community groups, there really was a good mix and the day was informative and interesting.
I feel, it's important for Carers to be involved in this type of event as it's where you find, all in one room, a wide rage of agencies and services who basically provide information to or are involved with the decision makers and that is important!

Sometimes the decision makers just have the paperwork, the theory and a good intention to work with while deciding on actions that will effect peoples lives so...if Carers can meet and influence things positively, help give a clearer picture, well...all the better I say!

The first time somebody called me an activist, I was a little bit shocked and kinda offended I suppose!
***and now?
Well...I think of it like a badge to be worn with pride!
I guess being a Carer has changed me over the years!

We must always remember, it's everyone's job to protect the vulnerable! One little voice might not seem much but together, that can be a very different story!
If you get the chance to influence the decision makers, those who really hold the power to help - don't hesitate, just smile, take a deep breath and tell them how it really is!

Keep strong!
Maz x

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