Thursday 13 June 2013

Carers Reception Edinburgh Castle...

Hi guys, I've been busy again!

This time I've been to a reception for Carers held in...Edinburgh Castle - woo hoo!

The castle is an impressive place isn't it!
It's lovely in summertime but really treacherous in the frost of winter!

Alex Neil MSP was hosting a 'Carers Week' event and invited Carers from all over Scotland to celebrate their input and...about time too I say! It's nice to see Carers being recognised for the work they do. It's a difficult and demanding job and it's also great to see them having some time-out too!

So glad we have our SDS (Self Directed Support) care package as it enables me to attend days like this one. Looby comes to provide the care and keep Coo company and I can get away knowing things will be ok!
Before? ...Well, it was just too difficult to get away and I'd have, had to decline and stay home and that's a harsh position to find yourself - trust me I've been there and it's not nice!

Thankfully, for us, this doesn't happen anymore. Through SDS, we are supported to take part in things that are important to and for us and that makes all the difference in the world!

God willing it will soon be so for all Carers!

I hope you're ok and managing a little time-out too!
Maz x

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