Sunday 16 June 2013

Carers, support, friendship and review...

Hi guys, that's Carers Week all over for another year!

So just how did it all go?
Well, I've been busy that's for sure! I skipped some of the fun things as I just didn't have enough respite but I did do the important stuff, the kinda things that hopefully will continue to make a real difference...
  • Monday - Carer information & support meeting.
  • Tuesday - Protecting vulnerable adults forum.
  • Wednesday - The Carers reception at Edinburgh Castle with Cabinet Secretary Alex Neil MSP and Carers Scotland.
  • Friday - Anti-Bedroom Tax demonstation - this is adversely disproportionately affecting disabled people and their Carers.
It was tight and took some planning but I sure did manage to pack a lot in didn't I! lol

I've spoken out about Carer issues, raised awareness and hopefully given some people who are in a position to help, food for thought!

I truly believe it's only by working together, we can effectively achieve changes for all Carers!
I'm tired but happy and it's been a good week a good 'un! lol
I hope you've found support and had a good Carers week where you are too!
Maz x

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