Saturday 15 September 2012

Time out days...

Hi Guys, it's been fun today!

Coo had some time out with Stevie - golfing what else!
When he's well enough, Coo likes to get out on the course for a wee while so while the boys went out to play Looby, Mum and I were what are commonly known as... 'ladies what lunch'! lol

It's good to have some free time to wander around and linger over a wee cuppa sometimes isn't it! It's the simple things that most people just take for granted as part of every day life, that Carers miss so much and find so precious whenever they do get the chance  - I know I do!

The new SDS care-package still seems to be going well!
I'm relieved to say, after the initial RAS (resource allocation system) hassles, there's been no further hic-ups so far! I'm still confident it really was the right way to go and the additional flexible funding is starting to make a difference for us.
We've had some benefits already, some time out and access to respite too but I think the main benefit I've found so far, is the lessening of stress that comes from just knowing the funding is there to draw upon when we need it and that's a very different feeling from what we've been used to for such a very long time!

I really feel this SDS personalised way of providing care and support has real potential to improve the quality of life for Carers and can't wait till they roll it for everyone!

We're doing ok and hope you're good where you are too!
Maz x

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