Sunday 16 September 2012

Carers group...

Hi guys, my wee Carer group are meeting tomorrow.
It's always good to spend time with other Carers don't you think?

Just what's on the horizon for us this time?

Well, another Carer is coming to speak with me about our SDS - our new care-package set-up. She's considering going with the more personalised way of providing care for her family and needs some more info. before taking things further.
It can be scary going with SDS or setting up a Direct Payment for the first time and I guess other Carers who have been there and bought the T-shirt, are the ones to ask how it really is aren't they!

Here, there seems to be some money from the NHS available surrounding Carers and nutrition so there's a food worker coming along tomorrow too! We'll see how this could fit in with our group, maybe some cooking on a budget? or healthy alternatives? Who knows, I think we'll just see what they can offer and take it from there!

Sometimes it's just the chance to have a cuppa and a wee chat, even just offering a wee bit of support to one another and kinda checking in to make sure we're all still surviving and nobody's in meltdown this month!

I hope you're enjoying a wee cuppa where you are too!

Chin up and keep strong!
Maz x

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