Tuesday 4 September 2012


Hi guys, I've been away for a few days respite - woo hoo!

Mum and I usually go away for a few days at this time of year to Blackpool! It just so happens that last weekend was the big Blackpool illumination switch on and...we were there! lol

The sun shone during the day and the lights shine all night - how cool is that! lol

We stayed in the Royal Seabank Hotel again and it didn't disappoint! We had brilliant meals, friendly staff, a lovely room with a real cosy bed and (for me!) best of all...lots and lots of sleep! lol

Most peoples idea of holidays is to let off some steam and stay up late but in my position it's kinda the opposite! lol
On my holiday, I like to potter around at leisure, go where and when I fancy, have lots of tea and cake and...sleep...usually as much as I can! lol

Never the less, I shopped till I dropped, lingered cake-eating in tea-shops and slept like a baby all weekend and it was great!
Thank goodness for our Direct Payment!
It pays for the replacement care from Looby, while I get a rest and honestly, I'd now be so very lost without it! I still remember the times when I was crying out for a break and had no support and thank God those days have truly gone.

In reality, the D.P. means, I now can have a complete break away and a good rest too as I know Coo will be just fine when Looby takes over! By all accounts, everything went well while I was gone, Coo and Looby enjoyed some days out too and I've come back nice and relaxed so...jobs a good 'un! lol

I'm home now and well rested and I hope you're having a bit of an easier time where you are too!
Maz x


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I never get on there anymore. And I was so happy to hear from you. Respite is a life saver so glad you had a good time and Coo has a someone wonderful there while you are gone. But I bet all are glad you are back.

  2. Hi Karen, it's so nice to hear from you too! Time away does recharge the batteries again and you're right respite is a bit of a life saver!
    Take care Karen
    Maz x
