Wednesday 21 September 2011

More on Personalisation...

Hi Guys, remember a few months ago, I posted saying, I was working with my Local Authority?
Well, I've been at it again! lol

The Council asked for Carers and Service users to come along and offer their input on the new strategy for social care and we did!
It was an interested afternoon.
Around our table were Carers for people with physical disabilities, mental health issues, elderly and children so it was quite a good cross-section.

I seemed to be in the minority as a Carer whose family already had a Direct Payment up and running so I was happy to share my experience of just how it works for us. I explained that I now wouldn't be without it and don't know how I managed before!

I'm glad things have moved on.
At least disabled people and their Carers are now asked what services they require and don't just have to accept what is offered in a take it or leave it kind of way!

It's really great more people now feel able to stand up for themselves and push for better services as in the end, this can only benefit everyone!

I say Power to the people! LOL
Maz x

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