Thursday 22 September 2011

Back in Anti-bio-land...

Hi Guys, Coo's back on the anti-biotics...again!

The not so lovely cold that's been kicking around his system, has now made it's way into his lungs. He's got yet another chest infection and we all know what that means...a temperature and lot's more seizures - poor coo!

Thank goodness Looby's been here today as I had another meeting and really wanted to go! It was on our campaign about supporting local community centres here in Ayrshire.

Our council is thinking about closing them and the group I'm involved with are trying to make them think again and I really hope they do!

Sometimes, I think do I really have time for everything, caring, campaigning and the other issues disability brings with it and then I think, can I really afford not to!
From somewhere the strength comes and the fight goes on!

Upward and onward!
Maz x


  1. Hi Maz,

    As a fellow carer I am enjoying reading your blog.

    I notice you get Direct Payments? How easy did you find the process of applying for them?

    Please have a gander at my blog

  2. Hi and welcome!

    It took 5 months to set up from start to finish and was well worth it! I wouldn't now be without it!

    There's some info about it here Peter...
