Saturday 1 October 2011


Hi Guys, it was my birthday yesterday so another year older!

I don't really feel so very much differently and all things considered, I'm doing pretty ok well, in my book anyway! LOL I didn't go out for lunch (the usual birthday treat) as I was already working at a conference so I guess that's something still to come! woo hoo!

Good news though, Coo's anti-biotics have now kicked in, he's doing much better and Looby's been here this week to lend a hand too so...job's a good 'un! LOL
I'm glad things are settling a little bit for Coo as I'm concious the weather has really cooled here and flu-time is almost upon us again. Now 'aint that a wee cheery thought! lol I really must sort out the flu jabs soon!

It's no joke though!
While the news and weather for southern parts is dry and record-breaking sunshine, here...

It's been blowing a hooley and we've had monsoon-like rain today!
For a small country our weather sure isn't consistent! While the south sun-bathe it's definately wellie wearing weather here!

Never mind, it's always warm, dry and cosy indoors! LOL
I hope you're keeping dry and cosy too,
Maz x


  1. Sorry it's a little bit late, but Happy Birthday! :)

    We still have the dreary wet weather here, too. I hope it clears away soon, we need some October sunshine.

  2. Thankyou! It's still raining here too - so much for the predicted heat wave! lol
