Wednesday 28 April 2010

That Carer roller-coaster ride...

Hi Guys, yet again we're on that roller coaster ride!
Coo's meds have been problematic this week and we're struggling, so it's hard hat and flap jacket time yet again!

Coo's Neuro told him to stop one of the AED's (anti Epilepsy Drugs) last month as there was not enough improvement to continue so he's been slowly dumping it since then. This week things have kicked in with a vengeance and poor Coo's suffering big time, during seizures, he's bitten his cheek, his tongue and now he's taken a bite out of his lip and can't eat.

I've phoned his Epilepsy nurse for some advice but meantime Coo's decided to up one of his other meds in the hope things will settle. He says he feels like he usually does when his meds are too low so maybe this is the answer...

I sure hope so! We could both do with a break and some sleep!

I'll be glad when Looby comes to stay tomorrow night as least I'll sleep and Coo? well, we'll just need to wait and see and keep an eye out for those toxic signs!

I sure hope things settle soon even a little bit would do!
maz x


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks Sapphyre!
    Thankfully things are a bit more settled this week!
    maz x
