Thursday 6 May 2010

Carers and votes...

Hi Guys and happy election day!

What do you think?
Will a change of government change things for Britain's unpaid family Carers?
Who knows, I guess time will tell!

I will vote. I always do as knowing the hardship people endured so we can all vote makes it important to me. I guess all those history bytes on the sufferagettes from years gone by, have done their job and stuck fast in my memory! LOL

I like to think things will change for us Carers and sooner rather than later. I hope we do see some advances in both respite and services and the woefully inadequate Carers Allowance, especially for our pensioner Carers as caring can only get more difficult as you become aged yourself!

I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings government wise and healthwise?
Well...thankfully things are a bit better here!
Coo's still struggling but things are settling a bit!
He's getting his bloods done again today so hopefully the drug levels will be in or close to the safe range this time!

I hope things are fairly settled where you are too!

maz x

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