Friday 14 August 2009

Caring sure is a roller coaster ride...

Hi guys, we've been on that flaming roller-coaster again!

Who ever said the life of a Carer was an easy one? eh?

Well, thankfully Coo's calming down a bit now but the last two weeks have been a real roller coaster ride!

He's been poorly this week but last week he was well, pretty much awake a lot, so he had less seizures - bonus! LOL

We even managed a daytrip with our wee club to the 'Highland Games' in Brodick.

Honestly all those kilts...
my - oh- my!

Can you tell?

I had a b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t time! LOL

So we watched the strong men literally!

Then walked along the beach and ate cream teas...mmmm lovely!

It's a pity the weather wasn't so nice but you can't have everything can you!

Things did clear up a bit later on.

The ferry ride home was magic, still waters and sunshiney skies!

Aren't we lucky!
It's such a fantastic view!

I sure hope you've got some sunshiney weather where you are!

If not, at least some sunny thoughts,

Maz x

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