Wednesday 29 July 2009

where's the last week gone...

Where's the last week gone?
Same place as the sunshine I'm afraid....God knows but it 'aint here! lol
Seems like both Coo and I have lost this week totally - Coo's slept it away...again and me?? well,

I've just kinda been hanging on in there and trying to chill and ride it all out yahoo style!

INTERNET Wooo Hooo or should that be Yahoo!!
If it weren't for my broadband I'm sure I'd be bored to tears, climbing the walls or both! lol

After all, there's only so many repeats of Tenko, Kojak or anything else a la UKGold you can view, before you're head gets sore!

It's been too wet to potter in the garden so this week, it's been a... and moving stuff around kinda gig - boring!

Just couldn't resist this pic! lol

We did manage to get out to our wee club (the one we run on Monday nights for adults with disabilities) and that always raises a smile!

Special needs bingo is not the easiest to keep up with and usually consists of me weaving around the tables and yelling well done! you've got that one!
or even...
2 little ducks??? 22 where are my quackers! answered by a lound chorus of quack,quacks and peals of laughter.

Who wouldn't have fun!
Especially as there's always some tea and buns to finish Mmm...Mmm

Coo and I need to feel the sun on our faces so let's ask the weather fairy for some lovely sunshine this week....pretty please!

maz x

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