Friday 21 August 2009

Getting involved with Carers UK...

Hi guys!

I'm considering joining the committee of Carers Scotland the scottish section of CarersUK.
I recieved a letter from them with details on voting for their new committee and after speaking to a friend, I'm considering joining the committee myself!

I guess I got the bug from the:
Carers Poverty Protest March in April
- check me out in the tartan and hi-vis fashion ensemble! LOL

Then again...maybe it was the T.V. interview in June for Carers Week! LOL
Who knows but what I do know is...

If you speak out for what you believe in, you feel better about things and if anyone else listens well, that's just a bonus isn't it!

Upwards and onwards eh
We all gotta fight for those who can't!

As it says in my header...

'We are all in the same boat so we each must take turns to paddle!'

I guess, maybe, it's just my turn at the oars!

A feeling kinda militant, maz! LOL xx


  1. Go for it, Maz!
    And congratulations in advance. I'm sure they will delighted to have you.
    Blessings and lots of luck,

  2. Well done - you go for it gal.

    I've just spent a few minutes feeding your goldfish on your side bar - very relaxing z z z. Perhaps I'll buy myself an aquarium - it's years since I last relaxed by watching fish swim around feeding.
    Big THANKS. x
