Sunday 28 December 2008

Carers and Christmas, What did I buy you..?

Hi guys, I hope we all had a bit less stress over the last few days and enjoyed Christmas!

I got lucky this year!
I guess having family close by is always a bit of a bonus!

Coo had a cold but he was reasonably settled so that meant we could go to his sisters for our dinner after all...Yeah!

It was so good just to arrive and have a nice meal sitting waiting,

Coo's tickled pink.

His digital camera took a bash during the year and Santa heard about it and kindly popped one in his stocking!

Trouble is, he's not put it down since it dropped down the chimney.
Heaven only knows, what chamber of horror poses he's taken so far and we've still got new year to come! LOL

I had been a bit stressed before the big day and shopping had been a bit of a struggle but I managed it all...or so I thought!

My wonderful son, bless him, opened the book I'd ordered for him, smiled and said thank you, it's only today the soul's admitted it's the same book I bought him for his birthday in July!!!
I knew he liked it but I couldn't remember when he'd spoken about it.
No wonder...JULY - at the minute, I've a bother remembering what happened last week!! LOL
I don't know what I was thinking and honestly can't remember even buying him it but I must have done - It must've been one of those auto-pilot days!

Never mind, I've ordered another book to surprise him with although he'll probably say it wasn't necessary!

Looby's been poorly too, she's been struggling with a bad cold and going to work.
I know it sounds a bit me, me, me! but I'm hoping she feels well enough soon as I'm starting to slow down and feel the sleep catching up so I'll be needing her help!
In fact, I feel sure, I can hold out a few more days but then I'll have to sleep and recharge the batteries.

I've decided, I'll be booking a sleep night for Tuesday and maybe some time on Wednesday to have a look at the sales - a day out woo Hoo! LOL

I hope Santa was good to you and if not?...Well, I hope you find what you REALLY wanted in the sales!!

Happy hunting!

Take care and wrap up warm!

maz x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Maz for that really heartening post! I'm really glad that Christmas was so enjoyable for you. I hope that 2009 will be enjoyable the whole way through!

    Btw, I had a good Christmas season too. :0)
