Monday 29 December 2008

The Carers Roller-Coaster ride...

Well the after Christmas lull has hit!

Coo's been up all night and today's been a snow white day (sleepy and seizy) er no, her buddies were sleepy and sneezy - well, you know what I mean!

So much for the settled period, it was nice while it lasted! LOL

It really is a bit of a roller-coaster ride when you're a Carer isn't it, I mean, you never know from one day to the next how things are going to be.
Even when you're caring for someone with a fairly settled condition, you never know when it's going to kick in so you're always, (beneath the surface!)a little bit on edge.
I guess that's why we are so chuffed and happy when things are going well.

Good days are a bonus, sometimes feel as rare as pearls but always like a ray of sunshine to warm us up and keep us going!

It's bright here today, the wintery sun is shinning out - it's freezing mind you but from inside, looking out, it sure is pretty!

I'm glad the sun's come out, when Coo's ill and it's grey and gloomy, everything seems so much more of a hassle.
When the sun shines it makes it all so much more brighter doesn't it?

I'm hopeful he'll settle a bit tomorrow and we'll get out to the park for a bit.

Who knows maybe the sun will make an encore appearance -

2 days in a row, in December...HERE?
We'd think we were in sunnier climes! LOL

Let's hope for some sunny moments,

maz x

1 comment:

  1. Marie has been fairly stable for the last few weeks, but depression or increased anxiety could hit her at any time; so I know what you mean about the roller coaster ride. You can't make any DEFINITE plans - just in case the situation has changed...or you have to work out a plan "B", in case plan "A" has become a non-runner. We have to "make hay while the sun shines", don't we?
