Monday 15 December 2008

Carers in pantoland...

Hi guys,
We all survived our visit to Pantoland!
Coo did keep awake all the way through too so that was a bonus!
Mind you he's been shattered since but it was worth it.

We were away with our club!
For those who haven't visited before, every week I help run a group for local adults with disabilities and we get upto all sorts!
From singing karaoke (badly), cooking (easy peasy stuff only!) to pool, darts, dominoes and even daytrips.
So... we went to the panto, yes we did....oh no we didn't....well you get the idea! LOL

The panto was mother goose...

The dame was the guy who plays P.C. Plum from Balamory!

Thankfully there was no repeat performance of last years fight over the rolos... I took plenty this time!

With some friends who are also Carers along to help out on the day, we all had a brilliant day out!

Honestly, if you can visit the Panto it's really quite a stress reliever to laugh, clap, sing, shout out with the rest and basically return to your childhood for a few hours!

Have I converted you to visit Pantoland?
Go on, you know you want to!

I enjoyed it, can you tell? LOL
maz x

1 comment:

  1. So I'm not the only adult who watches Balamory!!!

    It's good that Coo was able to go to the panto with you. I LOVE panto's too, but find it hard to go nowadays.
